Health Advisories
CEHCHV regularly publishes Health Advisories on a variety of environmental exposures that families in the Hudson Valley may encounter on a routine basis. Please click on any of the below topics for evidence based content on a wide variety of environmental health topics. CEHCHV also participates with the NYSCheck Prescription for Prevention Program to advise our region about prevention of environmental toxins.
Changes to Nutrition Fact Labels
Growth Hormones In Animal Products
Pesticides in Food
Genetically Modified Organisms/Genetically Modified Foods
Food Preservatives
Microbial Contamination
Health Risks of Seafood Consumption
Chemicals in packaging: BPA and phthalates
Consumption of locally sourced food
Lead in Drinking Water
Children’s Health Advisory: Obesity and Asthma
Peanut Allergies: Keeping Your Children Safe
Soy & Children's Health
INDOOR AIR QUALITY: Carbon Monoxide Detector Awareness
Idling School Buses and Children’s Health
Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers
The Implications of Two-stroke Gasoline Powered Leaf Blowers
E-Cigarettes: Prominence, Health Threats, and Regulations
Teen Vaping & E-Cigarette Epidemic (pre-EVALI)
Ozone and Children’s Health